Rudy Possemiers
Contacteer mij telefonisch via +32 470 055 570
of per mail via is een dochteronderneming van LDG produkties nv.
U kan ons bereiken via:
LDG Produkties nv
Canadadreef 47
B-2270 Herenthout
Tel +32 14 51 34 53
Fax +32 14 51 57 78
More info? We are waiting for you!
Do you have a question?
Would you like a demonstration?
Would you like a technical and financial audit of your network?
Do not hesitate to contact us.
Nextel NV
Koralenhoeve 15
B-2160 Wommelgem
Tel +32 3 355 12 34
Lozenberg 9
B-1932 Zaventem
Tel +32 2 730 01 01
More info? We are waiting for you!
Do you have a question?
Would you like a demonstration?
Would you like a technical and financial audit of your network?
Do not hesitate to contact us.
BKM nv
Herkenrodesingel 37A
B-3500 Hasselt
Tel +32 78 150 050
Fax +32 11 29 99 95
Leuvensesteenweg 248 B
B-1800 Vilvoorde
Tel +32 2 334 88 88
Fax +32 2 334 88 34
Wilt u ook een professionele wachtmuziek of antwoordapparaat? Contacteer ons voor een vrijblijvende offerte!